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Kingsbury transforms sales and marketing process with HubSpot

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From disconnected to data-driven: How HubSpot CRM streamlined sales at Kingsbury






HubSpot Onboarding


Improved sales efficiency, visibility, and customer experience.

"Our previous CRM lacked visibility, making it difficult to track leads and manage customer interactions. HubSpot's centralised system provides a clear picture of our customer base, allowing us to collaborate effectively and personalise sales conversations," stated Richard Hughes, Sales Director at Kingsbury.

The Results:

  • Improved Visibility: Sales reps now have a 360-degree view of each customer, including past interactions and deal history. This allows for more informed and personalised sales conversations.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: HubSpot facilitates collaboration between team members by enabling them to track deals, assign tasks, and access customer data in a centralised location.
  • Increased Efficiency: Streamlined workflows and easy access to historical data empower sales reps to work more efficiently and effectively.

Goodbye legacy CRM. Hello growth.


Kingsbury, a leading manufacturer, sought to improve their sales efficiency and visibility by replacing their outdated CRM system. They implemented HubSpot CRM to centralise customer data and streamline sales workflows.



Kingsbury's legacy CRM lacked functionality and transparency. Sales representatives struggled to track leads, manage customer interactions, and access historical data. This hindered their ability to personalize sales conversations and build strong customer relationships.




Kingsbury adopted HubSpot CRM as a centralised platform for managing customer interactions and sales activities. HubSpot's user-friendly interface and comprehensive features empowered their sales team. All onboarding and training delivered by Finally Agency. 




Kingsbury's experience demonstrates the transformative power of HubSpot CRM. By implementing a connected CRM solution, Kingsbury has improved sales efficiency, visibility, and customer experience.


Case Study

Hear from HubSpot & Kingsbury.

HubSpot has the power to significantly improve sales efficiency in enterprise manufacturing companies. Listen to our clients Kingsbury discuss how HubSpot transformed their way of working.