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Linkedin as a gamechanger - start small, get results, grow your network.

Rob Dando
Written by: Rob Dando
Length: 4 min read
Date: 22 Jul 2024

The Engine Room Episode 23 with Andy Heffer-Lamond from HF Bond. 

Kicking off season three of The Engine Room podcast, we welcomed Andy, Sales Manager at HF Bond to share his marketing journey, including his success, challenges, and most valuable marketing resources! 

In this episode, Andy talks to Rob all about the B2B marketing techniques he uses to grow his network. Noting LinkedIn as a gamechanging platform for his business Andy emphasises progress over perfection - simply picking up his phone and creating authentic content to share with his connections.

You can watch or listen to the podcast on YouTube & Spotify - make sure you're subscribed so you don't miss the next episode. 

Can you introduce yourself and tell us about your journey to HF Bond?

Andy is my name, and I'm from HF Bond. Basically, the company started out with a machining shop over a hundred years ago. Now, it’s primarily a sheet metal fabrication company working mainly with utilities, water companies, electricity, gas, and a bit of petrochemical. We dabble in automotive as well, but utilities are our main focus.

The company was started by a gentleman in Suffolk in 1922, Henry Fielding Bond. After his passing, it was sold on, and the current owner has had it for thirty years now. My career journey started twenty-seven years ago when I accidentally fell into the industry, working on the shop floor, grinding bits of metal. Over the years, I moved on to welding, fabricating, design, and quality control, eventually working my way up.

What does marketing look like at HF Bond?

There’s no dedicated marketing team. It’s usually just myself and our MD, Darren. When it comes to budget, I just need to have a word with the MD. Most of our success has come through retaining clients and word-of-mouth. Recently, I’ve been focusing on social media to get our brand out there and make people aware of who we are. It’s all self-taught, and LinkedIn has been a game changer for me. The connections I’ve made over the past year have been invaluable.

LinkedIn is a great platform. While some people aren’t so great, the majority are really useful. We’ve been championing UK manufacturing for four years now, and it’s a wonderful community of supportive people.

Have you seen tangible results from LinkedIn B2B marketing?

Yes, I’ve had a couple of unexpected inquiries and some interesting projects come up. For anyone listening who hasn’t taken the plunge yet, my advice is to get signed up, make local connections, and start slowly. The possibilities are endless. I typically spend the first half hour of my day posting and commenting on LinkedIn, then check back a couple of times during the day. It doesn’t interrupt my workday, but it’s always there to look at.

What other marketing successes have you had at HF Bond?

Before I joined, marketing was very old school—gift boxes with mugs and pens. While I still enjoy meeting people that way, times are changing, and digital presence is crucial. I’ve even started using TikTok because the younger generation uses it as a search engine. It was suggested by a LinkedIn connection from the States. I’ve posted a few videos showcasing our workshop, and people seem to like it. It’s early days, but it seems promising.

There are so many channels and possibilities that it can be overwhelming. Walking into the MD’s office and asking for a budget for TikTok, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, a new website, and exhibitions can be daunting. But I believe there will be an explosion of content in our sector as more companies get on TikTok.

What challenges have you faced in marketing at HF Bond?

One challenge is being in a service industry rather than having an end product. We serve a wide range of clients, which can make marketing a bit complex. However, raising awareness through social media and conversations with industry people helps. There’s also the challenge of internal objections. Some team members may question what I’m doing with my phone, but once they see the results, they understand the importance.

In terms of automation, we’re looking at collaborative robots to make our operations more efficient. We already have some automation on our laser, and we’re exploring more possibilities.


What are your top tips for marketers in manufacturing?

Make your presence known. Be visible to potential and existing clients on platforms like LinkedIn, TikTok, magazines, and podcasts. Create effective content on socials and spend time writing posts about what you’re doing. Also, get face-to-face when you can. Physical interaction is irreplaceable.

What resources have helped you in your marketing journey?

Social media has been brilliant for promoting and marketing the business. Networking has also been invaluable. In East Anglia, we have a great growth hub where we can meet other manufacturers, potential clients, and suppliers. Publications also help in raising awareness.

What’s next for HF Bond?

We’re on target so far this year, and we’ve just received our first order for 2028. The energy sector, our primary industry, requires long-term planning. We have some interesting inquiries from new clients and are continually promoting careers in manufacturing through STEM initiatives. We’re also focusing on ESG strategies to improve our green credentials. It’s a hot topic, and we’re taking small steps in the right direction, like changing some of our vehicles to EVs and hybrids.


For those who haven’t connected with me yet, you can find me on LinkedIn by searching for Andrew Heffer-Lamond or HF Bond and Co. Limited. Feel free to reach out and connect.

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