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How to produce and optimise content for social media

Chris Haydon
Written by: Chris Haydon
Length: 5 min read
Date: 30 Apr 2024

How to produce and optimise content for your social media with Chris Haydon

Chris heads up the content team here at Finally Agency, and in this podcast episode, we talk about content, social media, and LinkedIn - the devil that we all love!



Content is the cornerstone of everything in marketing. It is the ultimate tool for pairing your business with a prospect. It’s the tool that helps get someone interested in your business or service.

Types of content on social media 

There are numerous types of content. Written content is the most simple, because people are used to writing, but the most engaging type of content is visual. 

Social media has taught us that people have a short attention span, so where you can resent something visually, in a video, image or infographic, you’re more likely to capture someone's attention. 

The best way to look at content from a marketing standpoint is to consider your own personal usage. How long do you spend on someone's post or story when you’re using social media? There is such a small window here, so the more visual and the more captivating your social post is, the better your content will perform.

Try using carousel posts to break up your feed 

Carousel posts are essentially a single post built up of multiple images or tiles. They allow a person to click or scroll through to learn more..

The reason why they work so well is that they encourage people to engage with your content. The age old debate is once you have got someone's attention, how can you get the most out of them? Carousels work as that kind of content ‘bait’, the first slide will hook them into the story you’re telling.

You can use carousels for a variety of things. They are a blank canvas and can be used for a broad spectrum of content. Whether you're trying to promote a blog and want to give people a teaser, or you’re attending an event or celebrating a milestone, carousels can act as a timeline and give a brilliant overview of a bigger piece of information. They’re a fantastic way to bring users on a journey with you.

Authenticity and building relationships online 

Content is massively important for communicating directly with your audience. 

You can use content to build rapport with them, drive leads and generate sales. But not every post or content type needs to have a direct call to action.

One of the biggest things with social media, particularly in the B2B manufacturing space, is that you are actually allowed to share

Sometimes there is this connotation in business that social media is a necessary evil, i.e. “I have a business so I have to have a social media presence” but they don’t necessarily view the social media platform as an arm of their business. 

Social media platforms are a portal where businesses can communicate with prospects and existing customers. Rather than see it as an essential or a chore, see it as an ally.

We have gotten so good at ignoring things that don’t tickle our fancy. So much so, that the average internet user sees between 200-500 adverts a day. If you think about how many you genuinely remember, it’s myopic. 

So rather than selling, treat social media users with the same courtesy as you would in real life. 

You wouldn’t just walk up to someone in the street and scream “BUY MY THING!” at them, so why would you on social? It doesn’t work and will not yield the results you seek.

Don't try to be a jack of all trades

People think it's essential to have this all-encompassing multi-channel approach. We must post everything on every platform. You’ll just end up regurgitating the same information across multiple channels, and nearly always to the same audience, too. Because if someone already follows you on Facebook, they're likely to follow you on Twitter, and Instagram, and everywhere else.

At FINALLY, we focus on LinkedIn. We cut out the noise of the other platforms and laser in on our efforts here. It allows us to be more targeted, consistent, and build more meaningful relationships. By scaling down your efforts to one or two essential platforms, you can generate a more engaged network.

How to get started?

Just start. Don’t get caught up in the idea that you don't have anything valuable to say or whether the content you’re putting out there isn’t relevant. Social is a long race, and success doesn't happen overnight. 

A great starting point is to define some key topics or messages - things that are important to you and your business. Jot them down, and then pair them to a day of the week. This will equip you with a rough schedule and will help you maintain consistency.

Audiences are very good at giving you feedback. You’ll quickly notice which post types perform better, and once you’re armed with that insight, you can start prioritising that kind of content.

Keep your content working for you. 

LinkedIn and all social media platforms measure reach. Reach essentially means how far your content is distributed to the users on that platform. 

The number one rule is this: do not post more than once per day on your profile. Posting too frequently will confuse the algorithm, which will damage your post's performance. 

Another thing to be wary of is a reliance on external links. Many posts are solely designed to move a user away from the social platform. 

Naturally, the platforms don’t like this because you’re pushing a competitor. It’s a bit like you walking into McDonald’s and advertising Burger King - you’d ruffle some feathers… 


For scheduling help, take a look at the following resources:

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