Marketing Resources | FINALLY Agency

Four things to consider when looking at your B2B website

Written by Rob Harris | Apr 30, 2024

Our Head of Development, Rob Harris, and our Graphic Designer, Rhys Maher, discuss the most critical aspects of your website - providing helpful tips and exercises that you can use to check your website is working hard for your business. 

You can listen to the discussion on our podcast, or read the summary of this episode below. 


Every customer will be looking at your website, so if it doesn't represent your business, it isn’t sending a strong message to prospective customers.

From a developer's perspective, the website should be generating leads. It’s there to grow your company and tell the audience who you are and what you can offer them. Eventually, you want them to contact you and get that business going. 

From the design perspective, the website is a window into your brand. If your brand and website don't look trustworthy, a customer won't engage with it.

It’s easy for your prospects to find what they’re looking for somewhere else. If the website effortlessly showcases what you do and is easy to use, then a customer is more likely to spend time browsing.


Your website must work on mobile above anything else. 

There are still so many websites not optimised for mobile. Perhaps the design isn’t correctly formatted, or some functionalities are missing.

Now more than ever, customers are doing business on their phones. If your site is not mobile-optimised, you could be missing out on new opportunities. 


You need to be providing the audience with what they are looking for. They haven’t clicked on your site to learn your company history; they’re wondering how you might be able to help them solve a problem they have. 

You can build trust through your website by providing them with relevant content and taking care to promote your brand in a way that allows them to form a connection with your business.


Everyone wants information, and they want it quickly. A slow-loading website is a sure-fire way to send a visitor elsewhere. Numerous things can cause your website to load slowly, so make sure you are combatting this in your development and maintenance.


It is said that users should be able to find what they need from a website in three clicks. This is all about understanding how a user behaves and bringing that to life with design. 

When you scroll down a page, you need to hit the audience with trigger points. From testimonials to calls-to-action, understanding the user journey and how your site can turn a passive user into an active one will increase the effectiveness of your website. 

It’s also so important to ensure a good quality user experience. If the information is there and they have a genuine interest, they will engage with it.


Your website should be maximising the potential of the traffic that arrives on it. 

Businesses spend a lot of time and money on marketing campaigns, paid advertising, email marketing, social media, and everything else in between with one goal in mind: leads. 

We all want customers to convert when they arrive on our website, so you need to maximise the value and consistency of your marketing efforts to effectively drive that traffic. 


Keen to learn more?

Why not connect with Rob and Rhys on LinkedIn today to get daily updates and tips on how to optimise your B2B website.