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10 Prompts for ChatSpot  - The New Hubspot AI Tool

Written by Millie Collier | Apr 30, 2024

On 6th March, HubSpot announced its latest feature - an AI tool called ChatSpot. 

Not to be confused with ‘chatbots’, HubSpot’s native conversational bot that can help automate sales marketing processes while you sleep, ChatSpot combines the power of OpenAI tools like ChatGPT and DALL-E with the contextual knowledge of your HubSpot CRM to help your marketers win back time. 

ChatSpot works just like ChatGPT - it uses generative AI to process natural language queries, or ‘prompts’, to get you the response you’re looking for. And like all AI tools, you get out what you put in. The marketers who'll succeed in working with AI are the ones who know just what to ask for. Teasing out the best of AI tools like ChatSpot means getting the prompts exactly right.

Here are ten ChatSpot prompts to help you unleash the full potential of this powerful AI tool and win back time for your marketing team.

ChatSpot Prompts for Sales Teams

1. Show me the leads added in the last [week/month]

Prompt ChatSpot for a quick update on your KPIs, and take it further by asking it to group them by location, industry, or source.

2. Draft an email to [Prospects Name] about our [latest offering]

Choose a contact to email and watch as ChatSpot turns your prompt into a fully formed sales email, with personalised and relevant information from your CRM. Save the email as part of a sequence, or send it directly to your prospect. 

3. Add a new contact, [First Name Last Name,, Purchasing Manager]

Adding contacts in HubSpot is already simple, especially using the business card scanner on the mobile app. Asking ChatSpot to add contacts is as simple as typing out the prompt ‘add new contact’ with their relevant details. 

Take it a step further by including a prompt to add a follow-up task, or assign the contact to a particular team member. 

4. Research company [xxx]

Do you want high-level information on a few companies in your target market? ChatSpot will deliver you this information using the above prompt, and you can add the company directly into your CRM to follow up on later. 

This ChatSpot prompt will get the information you need on multiple companies and add them to your CRM, all within one tab.

ChatSpot Prompts for MARKETING Teams

5. What keywords are we ranking for?

Get an overview of your website's performance in search results and easily spot areas where you need to improve. Like in the prompt above, this can be sent to you as a weekly or monthly update. 

6. Draft a blog post on [XXX topic]

Because ChatSpot uses the power of ChatGPT, it can pull information from outside your CRM and has an incredible writing function. Get a first draft of your next blog post from ChatSpot using the above prompt, and save it directly in your CMS to edit later.  

7. Generate an image for the most recent blog post

This prompt is limited at the moment while ChatSpot remains in Alpha mode. It will be able to generate an image of what you ask, in several different preset styles, for example, ‘pencil drawing’ or ‘modern art’. Branding and personalisation in the image generation are not currently available. 

8. What PPC Keywords is [competition] buying?

Get inspiration for your search strategy by looking at what keywords the competition is bidding on, and even where they rank organically. 

9. Who are the most recent subscribers of our newsletter?

You can prompt ChatSpot to bring you almost any information about a set of contacts in the CRM, for example, email subscribers. Perhaps you want to send marketing communications to contacts who have completed a particular activity, add them to a specific list or workflow. Do it all in one click with ChatSpot prompts. 

ChatSpot Prompts for reporting 

10. Send me this as a...

If you are looking for an overview of your KPIs, for example, in the first suggested prompt, ChatSpot delivers the information to you within the chat window. Now, you might want to share this with your team, come back to it later, or add it to a presentation. With a click of a button, the information can be exported as a Google Doc or Sheet, added to a Google Slide Deck, or even send you weekly updates by email.

The key to using ChatSpot effectively is to know it's there to support you, not do everything for you. 

It can save time on mundane tasks and give you inspiration, but ultimately, you still need to follow marketing best practices to make an impact.