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DIGItal transformation

Audience, data and insight.


We help you make sense of the data you collect from your customers and the wider market so you can use it to make decisions about your next move. 

Gain a better understanding of your audience

When a marketing campaign really takes off, the impressions soar the leads come pouring in, it’s not down to pure luck of the algorithm.

A strong foundational understanding of who your audience is, your business’ positioning in the market and then knowing how to use this information to guide your next move, can be the difference between complete productivity and total malfunction.

Our services



  • Optimising nurture journeys
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Targeted marketing campaigns


  • SEO audits
  • Situational analysis 
  • Social listening audits


  • Customer personas
  • Competitor profiles
  • Website sitemap and UX reviews

Most marketers assume to know their audience like the back of their hand. But what about in 12 months time, when new channels or trends enter the field? What about when you’re launching in a new market, or coming out with a new project? 

It’s essential that these reviews are not a ‘one-and-done’ exercise, and that they are regularly reviewed in full, and certainly checked against each new project brief.


SEO - Audits with impact.

We regularly perform SEO audits with our clients, and in this example, the analysis for machine tool company Kingsbury informed recommendations for content, page design, and UX.

Despite strong topic coverage, a core machine category term was underperforming.

To address this, we:
  • Investigated current performance
  • Analysed competitor websites
  • Reviewed the SERP landscape
  • Assessed Google's understanding of the term
  • Monitored user intent
 We identified topic fragmentation and proposed merging core pages to create a high-performing category page optimised for search engines.

Impressions soared 300% year-over-year thanks to increased visibility for relevant terms.
Ellipse 5-2

“Finally Agency knew more about the customer journey and the funnel, and how to excite the audience at the top of that funnel in order to pull them through to the purchase phase… the awareness video they produced for us reached over 500,000 views. I actually don’t recommend Finally Agency to anyone, because I want them all for myself”

Jennifer Gauffin

Seco Tools Senior Content Manager

"I want them all for myself."

Jennifer Gauffin at Seco Tools doesn't want to share us with anyone else. Grab our brochure to see why. 

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Want to learn more?

If you’re interested in learning more about the different CRM options, want a demo, onboarding or training for your team, book a no obligation call with Rob today.