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The benefits of content marketing for sales

Connor Finn
Written by: Connor Finn
Length: 4 min read
Date: 30 Apr 2024

The benefits of content marketing for sales

Content is king. After all, your website would just be a pretty thing living somewhere in the far outreaches of the internet without it. Not only would no one be able to find it, but if they did, they wouldn’t understand how to use it, or what your offering is. Quite simply your business would fade into obscurity. 

Now, we’ve talked at length about the importance of content marketing. We’ve pontificated over the advantages of content marketing. We even have a free guide on how to use content marketing in your business.

What we’re going to focus on here is how content has the potential to grow your business like nothing else, helping you to be found and understood by your audience. 


Top three benefits of content marketing

1. Content helps you to be found

Put simply, Google loves content. It relies on it to arrange and categorise the entire internet which means the importance of great content can’t be understated. You don’t have to take our word for it either; Google’s very own Matt Cutts has said it himself many, many times

Your search engine optimisation (SEO) strategy – the thing which improves your chances of featuring in your audience’s search results – hinges on your website’s content and thin, unfocused content that no one’s linking to or talking about won’t cut it.

Google wants to see websites rich in good quality content that’s written clearly, and of genuine use to its readers. Do this and you’ll be found in no time. 

2. Content helps you to be understood

You know your business. In fact, we’d suggest that no one knows it better. But how does this benefit your customers? 

The key here is to distill everything you know about your products and services, and how these fit within your industry, and clearly and simply convey this to your audience. And how do you do this? Well, through content. 

Content, in whatever format, can help your audience get to know you. It plays an important role in demystifying your industry, answering your audience’s questions, and leading them towards a solution. Just how you do this will depend on your business, its goals, and its way of doing business – but FINALLY can give you a steer

3. Content makes sales

Content won’t just bring potential customers to your website; it can also encourage them to convert. How? By being useful. 

Today’s buyer has a glut of information to digest on any given subject. Whether they want to buy a car or a packet of biscuits, there’s content out there to better inform their search – from reviews to guides to videos. 

Now, a buyer will need less help with finding the right teatime biccie (chocolate hobnob, every time 👍) than they would a car, which is more expensive and, for the non-petrolheads among us, a more complicated proposition. So, it stands to reason that you’ll need to digest more content during your research phase when buying a car than a biscuit. 

It will take your buyer longer and require more effort but will ultimately have a bigger payoff for the car dealership they choose. So, how do you become that car dealership? By cutting through the noise and publishing a range of insightful, clearly-written content pages on your website, each with a clear call to action which links to your products and services. 

Why is content marketing important?

  • Content helps your website to appear on search engines like Google.
    Your content is the single most important ranking signal – or clue – for how high up your website will appear in search results for the various words and sentences you’re targeting. 
  • Content will help to answer your audience’s questions and address their pain points.
    Level with your audience and get ahead of the answers they’re seeking. 
  • Content can even help you to make sales.
    Do all of this while making it known that your product or service will be of genuine use to your audience and you’ll make sales in no time. 

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